9 de julio de 2010

The Beatles at Shea Stadium 1965 DVDRIP

Live Musical Concert & Press Conferences of the 1965 American Tour by The Beatles: 1. Film Opening,2. I'm Down, 3. Opening Credits, 4.Murray The K, 5. The Discotheque Dancers, 6. King Curtis Band, 7. Sounds Incorporated, 8. Ed Sullivan Introduction, 9. Twist And Shout, 10. I Feel Fine, 11. Dizzy Miss Lizzy, 12. Ticket To Ride, 13. Act Naturally, 14. Can't Buy Me Love, 15. Baby's In Black, 16. A Hard Day's Night, 17. Help!,18 I'M Down, 19 Credits, 20. News Brief, 21, Press Conference, 22. Beatles Arrival San Francisco, 23. Twist And Shout - Candlestick, 24. A Hard Day's Night- Candlestick, 25. San Francisco Press Conference, 26. Press Conference.


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